Monday, November 2, 2015

Royals World Championship Links Roundup

The Kansas City Royals are World Champions. The feeling is indescribable. I did nothing but read recaps at work today, and really wanted to archive these, so why the hell not share them with the best fans in baseball. I present to you, the Royals World Championship Edition of Links Roundup:

- It's been just as much a pleasure to read Andy McCullough this season as it has been following the Champs. Here's his recap of the last win of 2015.

- Jeff Sullivan tells just how clutch these Royals were, historically speaking.

- Where's your team rank on Matthew Kory's 'Royalsy-est Teams in MLB' list?

- Excellent piece on how far the Royals' core has come and the faith of the organization to stick with them by Eno Sarris

- More from Jeff Sullivan, as he explores what exactly made this team so fun for Royals fans to root for.

- Here's the Royals win expectancy in their clinching Game 5 victory. The stuff legends are made of:

- Alex Skillin says, despite what the critics say, the Royals are indeed a Sabremetric team for the always awesome Hardball Times.

- Great Twitter reaction roundup of wild and crazy Royals fans right after Game 5 went final.

- Adrenaline-fueled Game 5 wrap from a cannot-contain-himself Ryan Landreth. F'n love it! Go Royals!

- Buster Olney highlights what makes Dayton Moore different, and how his team reflects the community.

- The whole epic story, from front office down to final out, chronicled by the fantastic Jeff Passan.

- The resilient Royals are one of a kind, says Jon Heyman.

- Sal Perez wins World Series MVP!

Rany Jazayerli

- For ESPN (so long, Grantland. You will be dearly missed), Rany tells his story of the 2015 Royals and what they mean to fans who've been waiting a generation for their crowning achievement.

I'll do my best to continue to update this as I keep finding more and more good stuff out there. I'll also get my own thoughts down in a separate post one of these days when this all sets in. Still reeling, still riding high. Go Royals!